Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Mom: "It's too early for chocolate." (What?!)

Brad: "Shooooessss!" (He knows it means going outside.)

Miranda: "Mom, do you have blue nail polish?"
Mom: "No, I don't."
Miranda: "We'll have to go to Walmart and buy some blue polish."

Miranda: {In the car} "Why did you let the fly out the window?"
Dad: "Because it's gooey.... It landed on a bowl of soup and got gooey." (Always the teaser.)
Miranda: "No! It's not gooey!"
Mom: "So it could go find it's family."
Miranda: "Oh." (Satisfied)
(I think we've just begun a long phase of answering questions that I would never think to ask, let alone consider the answers to...)

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Lately we've been missing some of this and this. It's been so rainy and drizzly lately, that whenever we get a patch of sunshine, we take every opportunity to go here. To pick dandelions and just hang out--soaking up the sunshine.Hope there's lots of sunshine in your week ahead!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Update from past Two Weeks

I keep waiting for life to slow down, and it doesn't! The week of Miranda's party I used all my free time to work on her birthday.

Then I worked full time for two weeks (in addition to taking care of the kids) for the Spring Conference that I help coordinate as the Executive Assistant for the Utah Physical Therapy Association. I love my new job, but those weeks were long...It's usually just a 5 hour/week job from home!

I didn't work at all last week in order to try and catch up with life, but Jeremy and I got assigned to speak in Sacrament Meeting. So in addition to getting loads and loads of laundry caught up, cleaning the house, trying to spend some time with the kids, and getting Mother's Day gifts/plans ready, we had our talks to worry about, too.

Everything went well, though, and I'm hoping nothing unexpected pops up for at least a week...Here's a few pictures:

At our old house, we had a pond in the front yard. I loved the waterfall and watching the fish from the front porch in the summer evenings, but hated worrying about kids falling in. So our compromise for this house was an indoor fish tank. It's been fun! We decided to put lots of little fish in it, rather than a few big ones (which can gross me out a little). Everyone loves watching the fish swim around...
Second, we've been doing a lot of yard work. I love our new yard! Jeremy planted peas, carrots, and radishes a few weeks ago and they are doing well! I can't wait for the peas...
Jeremy also just finished one of his summer project ideas: a sand table for the kids. We debated between a sand box and a table and liked the idea of a table to move around where we want (even indoors during winter??) and hoped it wouldn't ruin the grass or the kid's clothes as much. They both LOOOVE it.
Finally, Mother's Day. Jeremy and I made it the second annual Buy and Plant Flowers for the Mothers Event. We did last year--bought a few flats of flowers for each woman and then showed up with them to plant them for them. This is what occupied all our evenings last week, but it was so fun to see everyone and to help serve them. We had five houses/women to give to, and still have a couple left, but I think it's worth chasing Brad all over everyone's yards to do it!

For Jeremy's family, his dad is a landscaper and gets his own flowers, so I made these silhouettes instead. Idea came from here. They are small--2.5 x 3.5 frames--and I think they will look so sweet in her bedroom. I bought some frames for me, too, but still need to do the silhouettes for them. Cross your fingers it will happen this week!