Thursday, June 25, 2009

Husbands Add Seven Hours to Women's Housework Load Each Week, University of Michigan Study Says

I saw this headline a little while ago, and it really stood out to me. That's an hour extra housework per day, just for the sole fact of having a husband.

I don't believe it. Sure, there's extra laundry, more frequent cleaning of the bathroom, and things like that--but overall, my husband helps out a lot with the housework and kids. He does the grocery shopping (ever since we had a second child) and all the yard work and cooks dinner a few nights a week, just to name a few. I know a lot of your husbands help out just as much, too--doing laundry, dishes, etc.

So, this post is in honor of Father's Day, and great big thank you to my husband and yours, for all the support they give us! And here are some recent favorite pictures of my cute husband with our kiddos.

Here's a link to where the headline came from, in case you're interested.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Miraculous Morning

You know those mornings when your kid(s) sleep in longer than usual? I'm not talking just 20 extra minutes--which in itself is glorious--but a good two hours longer? And you know how you start off being productive (cutting the baby's fingernails and doing the dishes) because you are loving that you get some extra time to actually get something done?

But gets later and later and you get feeling giddy inside, feeling disbelief at your fortune. You think, "Should I go check on them?" Secretly you're wondering if goblins have come and sucked their breath out because there's no way they really have kept sleeping this long. You wish you could hear some stirring from the bedrooms. But then you do and you pretend like you didn't hear it at all.

You decide to make a smoothie and go sit on the back porch to prolong the last minutes of this miraculous morning. As you sit outside in your p.j.'s, you think, "When did all the birds start chirping so much and when did all the airplanes start flying over our house so often? I've never heard them before..."

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So, here it is: documentation of Brad's first taste of rice cereal. There were only a couple of funny faces, and so quick that it was impossible to get a pic of it. Mostly he just enjoyed it, as you can see. And of course, Miranda was NOT going to be left out of the fun. I had to keep telling her not to put the spoon too far into his mouth as he was gagging on it...I've decided second children must just get lots of blessings for the mere fact of being born second and having to endure toddler older siblings :)

Mom, I can Explain...

I have a really good excuse why my bed is never made these days...