Friday, July 18, 2008

Fingernail Cutting

This is how we have to cut Miranda's fingernails. Specifically, Daddy has to do it. When Mom does it for some reason, it is pure torture and agony. But when Daddy does it, she's fine with it. Of course, there are fake phone conversations and taking turns cutting each other's nails. Mom tired that, too...Toddlers are so fun,


Unknown said...

I HATE cutting my boys' nails - you are lucky your husband will do it. Jake helps me by holding down the child while I do the clipping. Fun post!

Emily said...

Blake hates it too and will do just about anything to prevent it, kicking at my hands, wriggling his little limbs out of my grasp, trying to roll over or crawl away... NOT fun! Sometimes I end up doing only a few fingers and have to try for the rest the next day. How is that that I'm totally out-muscled by a 9 month old? ;)