Monday, September 6, 2010

If you see me at the thrift store buying up all the old lady nightgowns, this is why:

Before: zip-up nightgown
After: darling embroidered top (zipper removed)

Just found this blog a few weeks ago and I'm hooked! So inspiring--she's refashioning 1 old dress (or nightgown or mu-mu or whatever) every day this year on a budget of $1/day. So cool. If you're like me, you'll be inspired by her creative vision and addicted to seeing the before and after photos. She only has 85 days left to go, so there's lots of old posts to scroll through...


Karie said...

That's crazy! ...and surprisingly really cute!

jamesandlindsaylattin said...

Who knew a grandma nightgown could looks os good?

The Jeff Bylund Family said...

Very cool. :)

The Jeff Bylund Family said...

p.S. Could you tell Holli that I would love an invite to her blog? :)