Check this out: Jeremy has always wanted to try re-upholstering furniture and this summer he's been hard at work practicing his new skill. We sold one of our couches on and the people who bought it live in a studio apartment downtown. They were using this futon that was 'breaking' and needed to get rid of it, so Jeremy offered to take it from them.
When he offered to take it, I knew why. He wanted to fix it up! Luckily, it was something easy to fix (if you're a talented guy like my Jeremy), and so with a little fixing and some color changes, woila! Trendy new futon that we got for free and sold on KSL for some nice cash :)
Here is Jeremy's second project. I saw these cute little kids recliners on There were two of them for $5 each. These were well loved, for sure--sorry the picture is fuzzy--but a total steal. I have always wanted to get Miranda a big comfy chair like these from Pottery Barn but couldn't justify paying close to $100. So this was the perfect opportunity.
Here is the after shot. My initial thought was to get some fun pink fabric or something, but then I decided I wanted it to be versatile and be able to be in her bedroom, the family room, the basement, wherever, and still jive with the decor of the house. So this tan fabric my mother-in-law happened to have was perfect! I love it without the buttons on the back, too. Oh, yeah, and Miranda loves, loves, loves it. It is so cute to see her hop in it and put her little feet up to watch Super Why or Sesame Street. By the way, Brad's recliner is still sitting in the garage. We have discovered the re-upholstery is tons of work and time and now know why it costs so much to have professionals do it. Brad's recliner will hopefully get done sometime this winter.
Don't you love seeing before and after photos of things people redo? I found this Flickr Group called "furniture redo" that was full of inspiring pieces. I think I'm going to ask Jeremy to do some work on my China hutch next...
President's Day Weekend
2 weeks ago
That recliner is A-MAZ-ING!
What a great skill! I am very impressed!
I love that cute little chair, way to be creative! It's so great when things can be recycled instead of just junked.
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