Little Bradley is making progress, slowly but surely. On Thursday they took out the arterial line that was in his belly button, so that meant we could hold him. The doctors also started to take him off of the sedation medicine, so it has been so fun to go and hold him and just stare at him and his little newborn faces that he makes.
Today was a fun surprise when we walked in the NICU and he was moved from the back room where the more serious cases are. He is no longer needing oxygen support, also. And his doctor started prescribing small amounts of breast milk for him to consume from a bottle. He's doing really well with the bottle feedings and as long as he can keep his breathing under control, they will increase the amount he can have. They also told us today that we can help change his diaper and feed him his bottle. We brought the camera to take a picture, but he finished it so quickly and we were so excited by it all that we forgot to take a picture of him eating, but we'll get one sometime! It was so cute, the minute he got the bottle, he was so happy and pretty much immediately fell asleep, he was so content. He even gave us a little 'smile'. Here are a couple more pictures. This first one is from today. (They had to put a PICC line in his head.)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Bradley Update
Posted by Jeremy and Heidi at 7:58 PM
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Your little boy and his room are adorable and your little girl. We hope that things continue to go well.
Barrantes Family
He is really cute. Such a cute face. I'm glad to hear things are getting better.
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