Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our Little Buddy

Miranda came to visit Mom and baby brother but she only got to see mom.

Brad is doing a lot better now and he should be coming home the first of next week. They took him off the ventilator last night and he continues to improve every time we see him.

We wanted to thank everyone who came by to show support and for everyone who kept us in their prayers as well. Brad is doing much better!


The Gough's said...

He is so beautiful! I am so sorry that he has had trouble. I hope he recovers quickly. Please let me know if I can do ANYTHING for you.

Emily said...

He really is so precious! We're glad that things keep improving and we can't wait to meet Brad. Blake will be excited to have a new little friend (that he can teach to be mischevious)!

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I am happy to hear that he is making improvments quickly!

The Lloyd Family said...

Congratulations you guys! We know how you feel having a baby in the NICU, and our prayers are with you. Love you.